Corporate Responsibility

To grow as a business, we believe that it’s crucial to give back to those in need and the communities which surround us.

Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline

Currently, we have a long-standing partnership with Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline who we donate a significant number of bottles of health supplements to each year, in order to help improve the health of the children who are unfortunately still impacted by this tragic event.

Regular fundraising

In addition to this, we regularly fundraise and hold charity initiatives amongst our staff, whilst making regular donations from our profits to local food banks, national charities and animal support charities which are close to the heart of our owner.

Local where possible

We are committed to using trusted local suppliers to help build the community around us and further strengthen our supply chain. From ingredients and packaging, to marketing and design, we source all of our business needs locally wherever possible.

Your nutraceutical journey starts here
