Whilst Vitamin D popularity usually spikes throughout the Winter months, because of the impact of Covid-19 and various reports showcasing the vitamin’s immune system benefits, the supplement remains an incredibly in-demand product.
Most recently, an announcement from Public Health England (P.H.E.) stated:
“For most people the current stay at home advice will mean being indoors for much of the day to day, which could result in not getting enough vitamin D from sunshine exposure. Existing public health advice is that if you’re not going outdoors often, you should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D.
“PHE is recommending that during this time everyone follows the advice (including children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and older people).”
This advice from P.H.E. is specifically about protecting bone and muscle health and not for reducing the risks of infectious diseases. However, it is still incredibly important to take note of these national guidelines.
Here at Redrose we manufacture a range of off-the-shelf vitamin tablets and health supplements along with creating bespoke formulations for our customers. If you’d like to know more about manufacturing a Vitamin D product with us, please click here to get in contact.
For more information about our response to COVID-19, click here.